It can be difficult to save money by reducing monthly expenses. But occasionally one must make concessions. Having said that, you shouldn\’t reduce the amount of chlorine you use in your pool. For your pool to remain sanitary and safe, chlorine is required. There are, however, ways of saving money on chlorine without compromising the amount of chlorine your pool receives.
Regularly test pool water to save chlorine costs
Test the water in your pool to get things started. Using dependable test kits or strips, check your pool every day, or at the very least once each week. By spotting potential water chemistry problems early on, you will spare yourself a headache. Additionally, it will lower your chlorine expenses! Chlorine will inevitably become out of balance due to unbalanced chemicals, necessitating the usage of increasing amounts of chlorine to maintain your pool sterilized.
Always maintain the following chemical ranges in your pool\’s water:
pH: 7.4-7.6
Alkalinity overall: 80–120 ppm
30–50 ppm of cyanuric acid
200-400 ppm calcium hardness
Reduce Chlorine Costs by Using Stabilized Chlorine
To cut chlorine expenditures, use stabilized chlorine.
Use stabilized chlorine in outdoor pools if you have them. You might wonder what stabilized chlorine is. The term \”stabilized\” describes whether or not Cyanuric Acid, sometimes referred to as \”water conditioner,\” is present in the chlorine. The chlorine equivalent of sunscreen is cyanuric acid. In just two hours, the UV rays from the sun may eliminate over 90% of the chlorine in your pool. Don\’t fill your pool with hundreds of dollars worth of chlorine only to have the sun consume it. By using stabilized chlorine, you can accomplish two goals at once. Your pool is sanitized by chlorine, which is safeguarded by cyanuric acid. An unbeatable mix, indeed!
What unstabilized chlorine is missing from the list of ingredients, can you guess? You are correct if you said cyanuric acid. Although it doesn\’t have built-in sun protection, unstabilized chlorine is just as good at sanitizing your pool as stabilized chlorine. It\’s not always a bad idea to use unstabilized chlorine in an outdoor pool, but doing so puts your pool and chlorine at risk. Get a water conditioner if you decide to use unstabilized chlorine so you may increase the longevity of the chemical and reduce chlorine expenditures.
Examine the Label
Verify the amount of accessible chlorine by looking at the chlorine label. Make sure the chlorine you buy has at least 90% accessible chlorine. Anything lower than that is essentially chlorine that has been diluted. Lower grade chlorine will probably cost less per pound, but keep in mind that because it doesn\’t have a high enough chlorine concentration, you\’ll probably use more of it sooner.
Use less expensive sanitizing techniques
There are more ways to stretch your money and reduce chlorine costs besides purchasing the right grade of chlorine. By including a mineral purification system in your pool, you can increase the chlorine level. One of the only means to cut down on chlorine consumption and cost is through mineral filtration systems. Copper and/or silver are used by mineral purifiers to disinfect water and get rid of organic impurities. The amount of chlorine required can be reduced by 0.5 ppm with the addition of these mineral aids. Although mineral purification systems are expensive up front, each cartridge lasts six months, saving money on chlorine costs each month.
Get Rid of Organic Pollutants to Reduce Costs
lowering the cost of chlorine by removing organic pollutants
By getting rid of organic impurities in your pool water, you can reduce the amount of chlorine you need to use. Byproducts of humans or the environment known as organic contaminants include sunscreen, body oils, cosmetics, sweat, and pollen. If they go uncontrolled, they can cause serious damage to your pool\’s sanitation system.
The easiest strategy to rid your pool of organics is to add an enzyme-based solution to your cleaning routine because chlorine is ineffective at dissolving and getting rid of organics. The majority of enzyme-based goods also include a phosphate remover. Algae, which is every pool owner\’s greatest nightmare, feeds mostly on phosphates. Pool Magic + PHOSfree from Natural Chemistry expertly transforms organic impurities into water and carbon dioxide elements, making them safe for the well-being of your pool.
Reduce chlorine costs by filtering pool water
The three foundations of a healthy pool are circulation, filtration, and sanitization. Your pool and pool water are at risk for bacterial development, structural staining, chemistry imbalance, and a host of other issues without sufficient levels of each.
If your water is not being adequately filtered or circulated, using a high-quality sanitizer like chlorine and keeping proper water chemistry balance will only go so far. Boost the efficiency of your pool\’s filtration and pump by…
- Boost the circulation of the pool water
- To collect water from all regions of your pool, adjust the suction valves
- Regularly sweep and vacuum the pool
- Clean the pump and skimmer baskets on a regular basis
- Whenever the pressure gauge registers more than 30 psi, backwash the filter
- A better pool water filtration system
- Invest in a robotic vacuum or pool cleaning
- Maintain the pool filter\’s cleanliness
- Run the filter every day for a minimum of eight hours
- When the pressure gauge reads more than 30 psi or after cleaning your pool, backwash the filter
- To assist in filtering tiny particles, use a water clarifier
Making sacrifices in order to save money is common. brewing coffee at home rather than purchasing it from the pricy coffee shop down the road. Fortunately, there are several strategies for lowering pool costs without sacrificing effectiveness or quality. By using the strategies described in this blog, you can keep your chlorine prices low.
More money in your wallet thanks to lower chlorine prices! Which will lessen your guilt for consuming that expensive latte.
Contact a Professional Today!
In conclusion, saving money on chlorine by using the methods in this post will surely help you in your day-to-day life! Contact us with any questions or concerns.